The Judicial Section continues to provide a forum to examine and discuss issues affecting the judiciary. A principal benefit to Judicial Section members is its Ethics Committee. Led by Judge Lee Gabriel, the committee responds to ethics questions from members who can receive opinions on an informal basis or, upon written request, a formal written advisory opinion. The Judicial Section also maintains a database of ethics opinions for use by its members. Chaired by Judge Kirsten Cohoon, the Membership Committee continues to increase membership across the state and welcomed new judges at the Annual Judicial Education Conference in September, the spring regional conferences, and the College for New Judges. With joint efforts led by IT/Website Committee Chair Victor Villarreal, a new membership brochure was created to help inform future members of the section’s benefits and opportunities for involvement. During and between legislative sessions, the Legislative Committee, led by its chair, Judge Alfonso Charles, continues to monitor and keep members informed of new and proposed legislation affecting the judicial system, including efforts related to judicial compensation. The Judicial Section’s 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to two honorees: Judge Sharon Keller and Judge David Evans.
- Hon. Rebeca Martinez, Chair 2023-2024